Friday, January 30, 2009


Email is simply the shortened form of electronic mail, a protocol for receiving, sending and storing electronic messages. Email has gained popularity with the spread of the Internet. In many cases, email has become the preferred method of communication.
Though there is some degree of uncertainty as to when e-mail was invented, the father of the modern version is generally regarded to be American Ray Tomlinson. Before Tomlinson, messages could be sent between users but only those connected to the same computer. They could not be targeted to a particular individual.
The arrangement of a ship's flags and semaphores were other forms of telecommunications. A semaphore was a mechanical device atop a tower with paddle-like blades or flags. The device would be set in a specific position to communicate information In the 20th century, telecommunications reached beyond our planet. In June 1969, the world watched and listened as astronauts walked on the moon. Twenty years later, in August 1989, we would see pictures of Neptune arrive back from the Voyager 2 spacecraft, riding radio waves that traveled over roughly three billion miles (4.8 billion km) to reach us in a matter of a few hours.Strides in telecommunications have changed the world immeasurably. While pockets of humankind were once isolated from each other, people now have multiple ways to see and hear what is occurring on the other side of the world in real time. Satellite technology, television, the Internet and telephony keep the globe connected in a humming buzz of interactive voices and pictures. In short, telecommunications has come a long way from smoke signals

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